
Thursday, April 10, 2014

DIY ~ Tropical Doormat

Hi lovelies!  While I've been super sick with a sinus infection from hell, I've *finally* got a new DIY for you!  I've been wanting something cute and quirky yet unique to put outside my front door.  I came across the perfect mat at Ikea for only $10 and put a fun twist on it with some paint and a stencil.  I couldn't be happier with how it came out!  {How-to after the jump!}

You'll need:

  • Plain doormat (Mine is Ikea's Trampa)
  • Stencil(s) of your choosing (I used Plaid's Large Leaf)
  • Paint (make sure the paint you use is okay for outdoor use, you don't want wet shoes making the paint run!)
  • Stencil brushes
  • Paint tray

I wanted a bright, yellow-green color for my leaf.  Rather than buy another bottle of paint, I mixed together a darker green and a bright yellow to achieve the color I desired.

Hold the stencil firmly in place and pounce the brush straight up and down quickly and lightly all over the area.  You could tape the stencil down (I'm not entirely sure it will stick?), but I was fine holding it in place with my left hand while I painted with my right hand.

Move the stencil around randomly, turning it slightly to give a random pattern.  I also chose to do partial stencils around some of the edges so it looked more purposeful and uniform.  Let the paint dry overnight.

I really couldn't be happier with how well this turned out.  It's precisely what I wanted but couldn't find, and it was so much cheaper than some of the other options I liked.  I think this will look better over time, as the paint wears it will look more vintage-y and worn in.

Now when I walk up to my front door, I'm instantly whisked away to a tropical paradise.  But only for a split second, before I remember I live in Colorado :-)

How would you spruce up a plain doormat?


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