
Sunday, April 13, 2014

DIY ~ Gilded Seashell Art

Hi lovelies!  I had so much fun with this DIY, guys.  So much fun.  My little dude even got in on the action and is quite proud of his work.  You won't believe how easy it is to come up with such a unique, covetable piece of art.  {How-to after the jump!}

You'll need:

  • Large, deep frame (pick up a cheap one at Ikea or a thrift store!  I got this 'picture' on clearance for a few dollars at Joann's)
  • Seashells (most craft stores sell some rad ones.  I've seen some at thrift stores too.  Mine are ones I found, and the starfish I bought at Home Goods)
  • Spray adhesive
  • Liquid gilding (Find it at any craft store.  I picked silver since it matches my decor.  I think it cost about $7)
  • Paintbrush
  • Cardstock, burlap, backing of your choosing.
  • E-6000 glue

Paint your shells.  A little goes a long way, and to really get deep into any crevices, stipple the brush in a quick up and down motion.

You may want to paint a little part of the back that may still be visible depending on how it lies.  Let dry overnight.

Prepare your backing and use a thin, even coat of spray adhesive.  Lie your backing on top and push firmly.  This stuff dries quickly though, so try to be accurate.

I covered the picture in cardstock and then burlap.  I really love the contrast the burlap makes with the silver shells

They look like they're made of metal!  Which is the precise look I was going for, of course :)

Apply a dollop of E-6000 glue to any points of your shells that will touch the backing.

Arrange them to your liking.

Let dry flat overnight.

Then hang it up!  I have this narrow little piece of wall next to the coat closet and hallway.  This really works well for the small space and accents it, makes it feel more welcome rather than awkward.

I couldn't be happier with how this turned out!  Mine set me back less than $20, and I do not think I could find anything as fun and unique as this for the price.

Have you tried liquid gilding?  What did you use it for?
