
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Commuter's Dream Breakfast | Quaker Breakfast Shakes #QuakerShakes #sp

This post was created in partnership with Quaker. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Hi lovelies!  I must admit, this review is one of my favorites because it is a life-changer for me.  Mornings are my own personal hell.  Waking up the kiddos, getting them fed/dressed/ready for school all while attempting to do the same for myself should seriously be an Olympic sport.  Oh and I have an hour and a half (each way) commute to work.  I try to be proactive and pack lunches the night before and keep them in the fridge, pick out our clothes the night before, as well as shower/tubs.  But the truth be told, we are not morning people.  I think the three of us would sleep in until 10 every morning if we could.  So when I was approached to review Quaker Breakfast Shakes, I giddily agreed.

They are available in three flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry and are available at Walmart!  Each bottle contains 8g of whole grain oats, 10g of protein and 6g of fiber.  The bottle is only 200 calories too!  I was sent a strawberry and chocolate shake to review, and they are delicious!  You'd think you were drinking a shake, like the kind that aren't so good for you.  My daughter loved these too; I had to share them both with her and we have bought more too.

Now the life-changing part.  I'd normally skip breakfast, just because my morning schedule/routine really doesn't allow for it.  I'd drink gallons of coffee at home and on the way to work, but wouldn't eat anything.  Now I grab one of these out of the fridge when I grab my lunch, toss it in my bag and head out the door.  During my lovely, gridlock commute I sip on a shake and by the time I get to the office I am full.  Like, not hungry at all.  I make it to lunch without snacking.  I find I have so much more energy, my overall mood is markedly improved, and I'm friggen getting some nutrition in the morning.  Done and done.

Now for you, my lovely readers.  Quaker is generously offering $2 off coupons!  

Oh, but wait, there's more!  Quaker and Walmart are also giving one lucky SnS reader a $25 Walmart gift card!  Buy loads of shakes, or whatever else you need! Entering is easy, use the rafflecopter below.  The only required entries are to either a) leave a blog comment and let me know how you handle busy mornings on the go or b) print out the $2 off coupon.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I manage my busy mornings by sticking to the same schedule every day and trying to complete some of the tasks the night before.

  2. my morning are managed well; i make sure every one is up when they need to be a getting ready for a great day head :)

  3. I manage busy mornings by trying to do things ahead of time like laying out clothes, or putting what I need to take with me on the kitchen counter next to the door ready to go. I also manage busy mornings by grabbing something quick to eat like a breakfast bar that I can eat on the go.

  4. I lay everything out the night before and make sure everyone has what they need.

  5. I plan ahead and stock up on breakfast foods

  6. I just get up early so I have plenty of time to get everything done.


  7. We generally prepare and plan our mornings the night before, especially in regard to the kids.

  8. printed the $2 off coupon. Thanks!
    Leidy R - rafflecopter form

  9. I set out everything that I can the night before. I have even went so far as to set out the breakfast dishes the night before!

  10. I try to get as much ready the night before to avoid morning chaos.

  11. If you prepare the night before by having breakfast materials ready to cook and serve and lunches ready to assemble and out the door.

  12. I try to prepare as much as possible the night before. printed the coupon. thanks.

  13. I try do prepare meals and clothing the evening before to have more time in the morning.

    Entered the rafflecopter form as "Wild Orchid"

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  14. I love making my own breakfast smoothies in the morning, but I'll have to give this a try for when I'm short on time!

    xo Jen
    Skirt The Rules

  15. i get up early so im not in a rush

  16. I get up early so I don't have to freak out too much:)

  17. I try and prepare the night before, and I just grab something quick for breakfast and eat it at work.

  18. I printed the coupon!!! And for my mornings....I try to get ready what I can the night before...and have a quick breakfast option for me! I tend to skip breakfast so much!

  19. I manage mornings by doing as much as possible the night before.

  20. I try to prep the night before to have an easier morning

  21. I mange them with a breakfast bar.

  22. I usually have my daughter's clothes ironed the night before and have a weekly breakfast menu that's easy for her to do daily

  23. I'm not good with I have to get everything together the night before. Breakfast on the go is very important to me!

  24. I get some things done the night before because I'm not a great morning person.

  25. I manage my mornings by having everythng ready the night before. I also make a list of what I need to do that day.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  26. I follow you on Instagram as cezovski9

    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  27. I get things ready the night before like iron clothes and lunch. I even boil eggs for the morning for breakfast
