
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

DIY ~ Rustic Glam Burlap Placemats

Hi lovelies!  This year I decided to do a rustic glam themed Thanksgiving table, and I've got a bunch of quick, easy DIYs to help achieve it!  First up are these adorable placemats.  You wouldn't believe how easy they are to make.  {Click for the how-to!}

You'll need:

  • About a yard or so of burlap fabric
  • Gold paint
  • Sponge dauber
  • Scissors
  • Tape measure

I wanted my placemats to be 15" x 19".  So at 19", make a mark and pull the corresponding vertical string all the way out.

Repeat at 15".

Now you're going to cut through where you pulled out the string.  This will be cleaner and easier and won't fray.

Here's what you'll have.  Repeat for the number of placemats you want to make.

Now to have a nice fringe at the ends, pull about three strings from all sides.

Squeeze a small amount of gold paint onto a piece of newspaper, dip your sponge in it and stamp off the excess.

Press it down firmly on your burlap.  Make sure you have something underneath since the paint will go through.

Repeat all over for a cute, random look.

Here's one!  Let them dry.

And they're done!  I love how cute these are and they really took no time to make.  Stay tuned as I'll show you how I made the rest of the items on my table!  Which are you most excited for?


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