
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mother's Day DIY ~ 'Necklace' Vase

Hey lovelies! I hope your week has been treating you well!  I've been volunteering with my daughter's advanced orchestra the past few days on their area tour, which has been so fun yet so tiring!  I'm so proud of these kids and how talented they are, it's incredible.  Today's DIY is another easy one, it took me less than 5 minutes to make, involves upcycling (YES!) and used items I had on hand.  The idea came to me after realizing that: 1. Pretty vases are expensive, and 2. Plain vases are a dime a dozen.  So why not give mom her flowers in a one of a kind vase she'll love?  {Click to keep reading!}

You'll need:
  • Recycled bottle (I used one from a frappucino)
  • 32" of thin-ish chain
  • A medium and a large jump ring
  • Jewelry pliers
  • Plastic gem vase filler (they have holes drilled in them!)
  • (not shown) tape

Wrap the trim around the neck of the bottle a few times, and bring the ends together, ensuring they have the same length.  Grab some tape and tape in place for the time being.

Use the medium jump ring and loop it through all the chains in the back.

Untape the front, and feed the ends into the large jump ring and through the 'diamond'.

And that's it!  How easy is that?  It's so cute and looks like the bottle is wearing a necklace.  So head to the farmer's market on Saturday and pick up some fresh blooms to put in your new (upcycled!) vase for mom!


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