
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Kid DIY ~ Adjustable Perler Bead Necklace

Hi lovelies!  It's been a while since I've done any Kid DIYs, and with summer coming I thought now is the perfect time to do some more!  My kids love fuse beads aka perler beads.  When they'd go to summer camp, they would make hundreds of these things I swear.  I never knew what to do with them either!  Well now I'll show you how you can make them a really cute necklace with their own art they can wear!  {Click to keep reading!}

My boyfriend's daughter gave me these things last week and said that since I love to make things she thought I could use them (so sweet, right?!)   So I told her that I'd take them and use them to make something for her.  She was so excited!  First up was the perler bead heart.  While I didn't photo the materials, they're pretty simple.  You'll need:

  • Perler bead shape
  • Bead reamer or awl
  • 2 large jump rings
  • 3" of colored rope
  • Tape
  • Embroidery floss
  • Lighter to singe rope ends

I identified where I wanted the jump rings to go and used a bead reamer to open up those holes in the perler bead shape.

Add the jump rings.

Cut the rope into two ~18" pieces, singe the ends with a lighter so they won't fray.  Insert about 3" of a piece through each jump ring.

Fold the ends up creating a loop.  Tape the ends to their respective rope.

Knot a piece of floss right above the tape and wind it around until you get underneath the tape.  Knot it off again and seal each knot with clear nail polish to prevent it coming undone.  I chose to use some contrasting colors to play off the Gator colors she used :)

Now take the ends of the rope, tie a knot, snip the excess and singe.  Tie one end in an overhand knot to the other rope, and repeat.  Pull end knots to tighten, middle knots to loosen.  This way the necklace can be worn long or short :)

There it is!  She loved her necklace and gave me more shapes to make necklaces from now!  I think it's a fun and easy way for the kids to be able to wear their art, and it finally gives you something to do with those darn perler bead shapes you have laying around!


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