
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12 DIYs of Christmas ~ Day 11 ~ DIY Chalkboard Piggy Bank

Hi lovelies!  Can you believe it's already Day 11 in my annual 12 DIYs of Christmas series?  Today we're tackling this adorable chalkboard piggy bank, seen in numerous gift guides, with the inspiration piece coming in at $25. (spittake! I also found a cheaper version, but still it's $10)  I don't know about you, but I'd rather make my own for $1.  {Steps after the jump}

You'll need: a piggy bank (found at the dollar store!), chalkboard paint, a brush.

This little piggy had one coat of chalkboard paint...

This little piggy had two...

And this little piggy had three coats and it's all dry!

Customize it with your inspiration for saving, for you or for the recipient!  Include a piece of chalk tied with a pretty ribbon, and you've just made an incredible gift while still saving enough pennies to put in the piggy bank!



  1. Very cute! I did a DIY gift idea on my blog today too :) They're so fun and I love giving gifts with a personal twist.
    Isn’t That Charming.

  2. Really cute idea. I love the idea of putting in some $$$ as a "contribution" to something someone wants - big or small.

  3. Posted one photo and link back to you on my kids' blog. Think this would be something they could do (with help depending on age) that is really cute!

  4. This is so cute!! Very good idea for a DIY.

  5. OMG! This chalkboard pigg bank is adorable! I think I need to have it. Now I just need to learn how to save money....
