
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

DIY ~ The Limited Inspired Acrylic Necklace

Hey lovelies!  As promised on Monday, I'll be giving you a new DIY each day this week!  So here's today's!  I found this necklace in my Inspiration Scrapbook as well (sorry, I couldn't find a link to it online), and by sheer coincidence, I had just the beads to make it!  Granted, it's only a $30 necklace, but my version cost me about $8!  {Steps after the jump}

You'll need:
* Resin Beads (here's the link for them online, but they're sold out.  I found these at JoAnn's and they were $4 each and 40% off!)
* Embroidery floss in your choice of color
*Tapestry needle
* Two large jump rings
* Clasp
* Jewelry pliers

Begin by measuring your bead strands all together.  Mine measured about 17".  Multiply that number by 8 and if you want, throw on a few extra inches for good measure.  Cut that length of floss.  Thread it through the needle, and tie the ends to a jump ring.  Trim the ends and secure the knot with a drop of super glue (or clear nail polish).

Just like that :)

Decide upon your pattern, and begin threading on your beads, doing a double knot between each small bead and a triple knot between each large bead.

Keep going....

When you string on all your beads, finish the end the same way you started, by tying the ends to a jump ring, trimming, and securing.

Like this :)

Use your jewelry pliers to open one jump ring and add a clasp.

And you're done!

This is already becoming a favorite of mine, I've worn it a few times already!  It's a great statement necklace!



  1. What a fun, easy DIY! Great results!

  2. wow, how easy and a great DIY, thanks for sharing!!

  3. LOVE IT!! I have been wanting to make something similar but wasn't so sure how it would turn out. Defintiely going to try it now!

  4. one of the best DIYs i've seen in a long time! and super simple as well :)


    Fashion Fractions

  5. That's so pretty! I like it with the colored string.

  6. So cool. I love Lucite and I have tons of colored thread.
