
Monday, May 23, 2011

Easy Sunglasses Organization For In The Car

I was cleaning out my car the other day, and found all these gloves!  I was going to bring them in the house and put them away with the other winter things, but I also found multiple pairs of sunglasses that I could not bear the thought of them getting scratched!  And of course I don't use cases for them, they are too bulky.  So, I put two and two together, and now my sunnies have a handy dandy 'case' so they won't get scratched, and my gloves are getting year-round use!  Double win!   
Now the only problem is that I have 5 pairs of sunglasses in my car... I need to find them a home inside my home!
Where do you store your sunglasses??



  1. good question. i don't have an answer, but if you find a good way, i'm all over it!!

  2. Cute idea! I usually keep my glasses in their hard cases and carry whichever pair I want for the day in my bag. The rest stay in a drawer at home.

  3. I store them in my purse..with lots of things that scratch them up..BAD idea. I need a cute little sunglass case..this has inspired me!

    Delighted Momma

  4. I love this idea I usually just keep mine in the house and take the pair that I want for the day with me but i like this idea way better :)

  5. so, so smart! my glasses are kinda all over the place because i leave them on my head too long (esp. nwo that i'm growing the bangs out!). they wind up all over. need to carry a glove with me. lol.

  6. Brilliant idea love!! Why didn't I think of that??!


  7. Genius!!!
    I always keep my sunglasses in their cases at home, and then I only choose one pair at a time to keep in my handbag with me. With this method, I have yet to damage or lose a pair!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88
