
Sunday, May 1, 2011

30 Days of DIY: Day 30 ~ Cobra Stitch Neon Rope Bracelet

Taking it back to summer camp, only chic-er!  I've been meaning to make a bunch of these and finally made one tonight.  I used some rope I bought at Home Depot, but I've also bought some jump ropes at the dollar store to use as well!
You will need rope, scissors, lighter, clasp, jump ring(s).
I ended up using about 7 feet of rope (1 foot per inch in circumference of your wrist).  Attach the clasp by folding the rope in half and looping it through.  Add about an inch to the circumference of your wrist and then attach the jump ring the clasp will attach to there.  Now, begin your cobra knots!  Keep going until you reach your jump ring that marks the end.  When you are done, cut the excess rope and use your lighter to singe the ends.  Let cool for a few seconds, and then press into the woven bracelet - it will 'melt' in. 
There it is!  I plan on making a bunch of different colors and stacking them.  I think they will look super cute with a tank an shorts this summer, what do you think?

I've really loved doing this 30 Days of DIY posts, and it's definitely challenged me.  Although a little late, I was able to wrap it all up, and I am so proud I did!  I'm working on some BIG changes for the blog, stay tuned, I'll be announcing it all tomorrow!  Thanks so much for following my DIYs!



  1. Very fun- I think a bunch together will look awesome.

  2. I love DIY things. Why buy if we can do it ourselves, right?

    Geat blog, btw!

  3. Love it! I used to know how to tie this knot, but I would have to think about it a little now! Great job completely your 30 day DIY challenge! :)

    Thanks for the encouragement and compliments this morning, by the way! My proposal didn't go perfectly, but I didn't fail, so that's good.
