
Monday, April 4, 2011

30 Days of DIY: Day 4 ~ Pop of Spring Neck Warmer

So it's Spring, they say. Saturday it was 84* here in Denver.  Crazy, huh?  Even crazier is that yesterday it snowed.  Big, potato chip snowflakes.  Today it was 50*, tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 70s, and later in the week, chance of snow or so they say.  I spied this microfiber cloth at the dollar store that is a dead ringer for faux fur, and it's soft on both sides!  I knew immediately what to do with it.  (I also bought another to have in my craft closet, since it was so amazing!)
Materials Used:
  • Faux sheep skin microfiber cloth (or faux fur from the fabric store, doubled and sewn together)
  • About 2 yards of brightly colored ribbon
  • Scissors
Fold over one edge of the cloth, about an inch or two, and begin making slits along the fold about 3/4" long.
Continue all the way down.  When done, it should look something like this above.
Repeat on the other side, matching your cuts to those already done.
One side is a little fuzzier than the other.  I decided I wanted that side to be on the outside of my neck warmer.  Lay the cloth that side down, and bring the sides up and to the center.
Thread your ribbon through the two top holes, bringing the two sides together.  Make sure there are equal amounts of ribbon left on either side!
Continue weaving through the holes, lacing it like a shoelace.
When done, go back and tighten all the 'laces' so that the two edges are firmly brought together.
Tie the ribbon ends in a bow.  You are done!  Cute right?  You can always switch out the ribbon, too! 
Wear it over your face, when it's super cold and windy out.
Or just around your neck when it's not so windy.  You can wear it with the lacing on the side, back, front, however you like! 
This took about 5 minutes to make and since I had the ribbon on hand, only cost me a dollar!  I can't wait to rock it later this week when it gets cold again.  If you live somewhere with a similar climate, I highly recommend you make this!  If you do, make sure you send pics!!
Make sure you are following my blog on GFC or Twitter, better yet, both!  Don't miss out on any of my 30 Days of DIY!



  1. Ohh a neck warmer! How fun. Granted I totally can't relate seeing as it's already a humid 85 in Florida, but still.. super cute!


  2. Haha thanks!! I'm so jealous, and missing the FL weather! (Not the humidity though)
