
Monday, April 11, 2011

30 Days of DIY: Day 11 ~ Upcycled Washer Charm Bracelet

I have this huge little drawer thingy that was my ex's.  I asked to borrow some nails and screws, and he gave it to me.  There are SO many cool things in there, it's DIY heaven!!!  I felt the need to start putting these amazing pieces to work! 
  • Large and even larger jump rings
  • Chain
  • Clasp and jump ring
  • Jewelry pliers
  • Washers of varying sizes
Measure out a length of chain to go around your wrist, and using your jewelry pliers undo the link.  While the link is open, attach the clasp and then close the link.  Attach the small jump ring on the other end.  Grab a washer and a large jump ring, and attach it to your chain.
There's really no right or wrong way to do this.  Start attaching them in whatever way suits your fancy.
Here's my finished product! 
And here I am modeling it!  This was super easy, took about 15 minutes to make, and again, cost nothing since I had all of the supplies on hand!  Woo hoo!!!  Do you like this?  It's kind of unconventional, but I'm really digging it.



  1. Love this! Probably one of my favorites so far! How did you think of this?

  2. It's weird, I actually started making a necklace first, but then really didn't like it. All of a sudden, last night I looked at the washers again and knew what to do with them! I'm sooo glad too, it came out better than I envisioned!!

  3. i really like this one. I love when you can make metal jewelry out of unconventional items. im putting on my list of to-do.

  4. Thanks ladies! Bonnie, it's so easy, it's more about inspiration and imagination. I don't consider myself talented at all; just inspired :)
    ~L~ I can't wait to see! I'm wearing it and getting so many compliments, you will love it too!

  5. Thank you Lindsay! And thanks for checking out my blog too! I love yours as well!
