
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

I'm so flattered and thankful that Kirstin at studs and pearls for passing this award on to me!  Kirstin is one of the most creative minds I know, and she never ceases to amaze me.  If we weren't on different sides of the country, we'd be BFF's :)  She has the best philosophy on fashion and style: that it should not be limited by what's in your wallet, but only limited by your imagination.  She is a huge inspiration to me and I'm sure to countless other women!

So there's rules, and I must thank Kirstin (check!), share 7 random things about myself, and finally pass the award to 3 other deserving ladies!

  1.  I'm 32, have a 9 yr old daughter and a 6 yr old son, and was married to their father for 8 years when we separated over a year and a half ago.  We are now best friends.
  2. I get bored extremely easily and do not want to settle down in one place.  I grew up in RI and lived there until I was 20.  I then moved to FL and lived there for 6 years until we moved to CO, pretty randomly.  I remain in CO....for now....
  3. I'm very analytical minded, and work in analytics.  I studied mathematics, physics, and astrophysics in college but got my degree in mathematics.  I'm pretty opposite the stereotypical nerd in that I am  super outgoing and extroverted and need to express my creativity, which I am not able to do in my line of work.  I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up....
  4. Speaking of college, it took me 11 years to get my bachelor's degree.  College round one didn't work so well for me (I got kicked out of Seton Hall for never going to class and thus having an extremely poor GPA).  So I worked for a while, then got married and had two kids, all while taking classes part time.  We moved to CO for me to finish my degree, which took 2 years of full time classes.
  5. I have no family out here in CO, only friends I've made since moving out here.  I don't get to see my family often at all, and they rarely if ever come out here to visit.  It's strengthened my bond I have with my children and made me realize alot about life.
  6. I curse like a trucker and am impossible to offend.  I can hang with the boys and can dish it out as well as I can take it.
  7. HUGE New England sports fan, which means I love the Patriots, Celtics, and Red Sox.  My ex-husband went to UF, so I also became a huge Gators fan.  I was pretty beyond stoked when Tebow came to Denver, I went to training camp a few times and plan to do it again this year, provided there is a football season!
Now, to pass this award on....
(seriously, I would have picked Kirstin, Grace, and Jenni!)

Alyson from The Average Girl's Guide
Tara from Haute Lunch
Alicia from Dismount Creative

I check these blogs daily and they serve as a constant source of inspiration for me.  I hope you love them too!


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